The Orgreave Dental Surgery dental health check:
Your mouth will be assessed as a whole:
- The lining of your mouth should be regularly checked for mouth cancer and hundreds of other conditions that either affect your mouth, or show as signs in your mouth.
- Your jaw joint should be periodically assessed for damage.
- The gums need particularly careful assessment, as this is the foundation upon which your teeth rely. Every examination has a gum screening, which may, if your gums warrant, lead onto a fuller assessment, known as a ‘pocket chart’.
- The state of your cleaning will be assessed, and the impact that this is having on your teeth and gums.
- And finally, the state of your teeth and any dental work in your mouth will be carefully examined.
- Where appropriate, how you bite together and grind your teeth will be analysed, and the glands in your neck my need to be palpated (examined by hand).
- X-rays necessary to diagnose your dental problems will be taken, using digital imaging technologies – these are viewed on our computer system and attached to your electronic patient record. Your teeth are charted and treatments recorded on a program called ‘EXact’ and your x-rays and photographs are part of this record.